Justin and Kate were married at a young age and soon after became parents. They had never really learned how to manage money and relied heavily on credit cards, thinking one day they would pay them off when they were making more money. Ten years later, they were making more money but had even more credit card debt, were living paycheck to paycheck, and felt like there was no way out. They joined a Financial Peace University small group in January of 2017. After hearing story after story of financial struggles from others in the group, they quickly realized that they were not alone. Being able to openly talk about one of the biggest life burdens with others, they were able to help each other start a new journey into financial freedom.
The most significant change they made was shifting their financial trust away from themselves and over to God. Within 18 months of choosing to return the first 10 percent of everything they made back to Him, they paid off all of their credit card debt, paid off both of their cars, and began saving to pay cash for Kate’s nursing school! On top of this, they are on track to be able to live on one income by January of 2019 so Kate can focus on school. The biggest blessing for them has been the peace that they now have when it comes to their finances. They say, “God has truly delivered on His promise to provide for us when we put our trust in Him. We never fight about money anymore, as we know the plan for every dollar. We really feel like we are working together now and that God is revealing His treasures for us when we trust Him with our finances.”