Easter is a powerful opportunity to share the hope and love of Jesus with friends we care about, family we have been praying come to know Him, and even people that we typically might not otherwise have the opportunity to share it with! Delivering the Hope of Jesus for the 1000’s of people who will attend our 8 services takes more hands for sure, but more than that, it’s a chance for you to step into helping change eternities! Whether you’re greeting, helping in Lifesong Kids, making coffees in The Press, or serving behind the scenes, every DREAM TEAM-er helps pave the way for life-changing encounters with Christ. Imagine the impact of someone hearing about God’s love and grace for the first time—all because you said yes to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to play a part! Don’t miss the chance to be part of something bigger than yourself. Help make this Easter unforgettable. Get #In4Easter.