Water Baptism

young woman being water baptized

What is Water Baptism?

Water baptism is a believer’s public declaration of their personal faith in Jesus. We believe that it is an integral step in anybody’s walk with the Lord, declaring that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of their life and that their life is forever changed because of it. We are baptized, as Jesus was, by being submerged under water and then being raised up in new life.

“We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4 NIV

Raised to New Life

woman being water baptized


Any believer who has made a decision to follow Jesus and is ready to take the next step in their faith journey, should consider being baptized. Once you understand the significance of water baptism and are ready to publicly declare your faith in Jesus, then water baptism is likely the next step for you!

Yes! Your child can be baptized; though, we request you wait until they’re at least 6 years of age. Based on the model we see for water baptism in scripture, we believe it is a step each person should take for themselves once they are old enough to understand the significance of what it means to follow Jesus. That looks different for each child, but, the older they are, the more likely they are to really grasp the purpose behind this important step in their walk with Jesus. We have a valuable resource here to help you determine whether or not your child is ready to be baptized.

We understand that you may have been baptized as an infant and are curious if you can get baptized again. The answer is “Yes”! As we said, we believe water baptism is a step each person should take for themselves when they are old enough to understand the significance of it.

No, we do not baptize babies. As mentioned previously, we want believers to fully grasp the significance of water baptism before taking this step. Instead, here at Lifesong, we do Baby Dedications. Click here to learn more about Baby Dedications.

How to Get
Water Baptized

Complete this brief registration form. Once complete, a leader will be reaching out to talk to you about your decision to follow Jesus, help you understand more about water baptism, and answer any questions you may have.

Watch the Water Baptism Teaching, and take notes for yourself to help with Step 3.

At least 2 weeks before your baptism date, please complete the brief questionnaire linked below. We recommend typing your responses in a Word Document first and then pasting them into the form. Please note that portions of your story will be shared during your baptism celebration! This is a wonderful time for you to express personal thanks to people who’ve impacted your spiritual growth, acknowledge the work God has done in drawing you to Himself, or just share your heart.

Please dress appropriately for the water baptism. Ladies, please wear a one-piece suit and shorts. We will also be providing t-shirts for you to wear for the baptism. They will be yours to keep as a little memento of this incredible moment. Also, don’t forget to bring clothes to change into afterwards. Don’t forget to invite family and friends to this life-changing occasion. We can’t wait to celebrate with you all!

The office will contact you the week leading up to your baptism to let you know which service time your baptism will take place.

three people ready for water baptism