Join Our Team
Pursue Your Calling
Interested in being part of a creative, fun, and passionate team that loves Jesus and is seeking to help others know Him and grow in relationship with Him? Want to use your talent and experience for something that will have significance beyond this life? Consider pursuing your calling at Lifesong Church!

We develop an owner’s heart full of gratitude for the opportunity to serve His church, so we do it with passion and drive. All of our energy and focus will be spent fulfilling the great commission through it.
“So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.” Colossians 1:28,29
What we are a part of is bigger than the part we play, and the best idea wins even when it isn’t mine. We put the team’s success above our own preferences and make room for each other’s gifts, strengths, and creative problem-solving to help the team win.
“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” Philippians 2:3,4
We are passionate about using our voice to call forth, equip, and empower leaders and volunteers for ministry. We are responsible stewards of what we are entrusted with and instill that into those we lead.
“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:12
Every environment has the potential for a moment with God. We constantly apply creativity, intentionality, and excellence to prepare irresistible environments for those moments to happen.
Details of Solomon’s Temple in 1 Kings 6
We take risks, learn from failure, and seek innovative solutions because God-sized dreams won’t be achievable with what we already have. It makes us lean into and onto Him.
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20
Every story has a name in the middle. No matter how large God builds this church, it is made up of 1’s. We work hard and celebrate big, the life-change of every 1.
“When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’ In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!” Luke 15:6,7
Staff Values

Role Title: Music Director
The Music Director will be responsible for supporting the leadership and development of Lifesong’s youth and young adult worship teams to foster engaging and anointed worship experiences that help the students and young adults we serve connect with God and know Him more fully.
Reports To
Worship Arts Director
- Help build, train, and lead youth and young adult worship teams.
- Support the Next Gen Worship Team Leader in leading and directing the youth and young adult worship teams through weeknight rehearsals, team training, services, and special events.
- Ensure the youth and young adult worship teams are appropriately equipped with all music-related requirements and assets needed for applicable rehearsals, services, and events.
- Serve as a member of the worship team for the main service environment seven to eight weekends per quarter as well as for special events.
Qualifications & Skills
- Ability to build and lead teams
- Ability to think strategically and creatively
- Self motivated and able to work independently
- Strong project management skills
- A thorough understanding of and ability to communicate musical logistics such as arrangements, dynamics, key transposition, song form, tempo, enter/exit points, life sound elements, etc.
- A thorough understanding of Ableton Live Daw Software, including its operation and how to troubleshoot technical issues
- Ability to lead a worship team through spontaneous transitions through a talk back microphone
- Ability to play keyboard and/or guitar
- A minimum of five years applicable experience (in either a staff or volunteer capacity) in a high production environment (does not have to be church related)
- Bachelor’s degree preferred
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Role Title: Production Director
The Production Director will be responsible for overseeing Lifesong’s production efforts (inclusive of audio, presentation, lighting, and video) to foster creative, relevant, and engaging service and event environments for the purpose of helping people come to Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope.
Reports To
Worship Arts Director
- Lead and direct service and event production for both adult and Next Gen environments.
- Build, train, and lead required production serve teams.
- Lead and develop production staff/ministry leaders.
- Ensure proper training and oversight of production serve teams, including developing and distributing appropriate documentation, to establish consistency of expectations, equipping, and execution of production efforts church wide.
- Responsible for all service content creation and preparation for lighting and presentation and the distribution of applicable content to campuses.
Qualifications & Skills
- Ability to build and lead teams
- Ability to think strategically and creatively
- Self motivated and able to work independently
- Strong project management skills
- A strong knowledge base in event production (audio engineering, lighting design, graphic arts presentation, and video production)
- A minimum of five years applicable experience (in either a staff or volunteer capacity) in a high production environment (does not have to be church related)
- Bachelor’s degree preferred
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Role Title: Creative Director
The Creative Director will be responsible for leading Lifesong Church’s creative design and communication efforts in order to effectively foster the engagement of those who are far from God and help those we have the privilege of serving progress in their journey to Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope.
Reports To
Executive Pastor
- Oversee the creation and delivery of all graphic design and video production for marketing, communication, and ministry execution.
- Oversee the development and execution of Lifesong’s social media strategy to leverage the relevant platforms for fostering community and involvement among those within our church as well as increasing exposure and engagement among those in our region who don’t yet have a church home.
- Oversee the development and utilization of our website and applicable mobile apps and tools to maximize their potential for allowing those in our church to stay connected, informed, and progressing in their discipleship journey while also providing an inviting and effective digital front door for those outside our church.
- Oversee the development and facilitation of our email and text communications for the purpose of sharing vision, inspiring engagement, and fostering discipleship.
- Spearhead the development and execution of marketing strategies to effectively reach those in our community not yet connected to a church.
- Stay on the cutting edge of what is trending for creative design and communication in order to help Lifesong remain current, relevant, and effective in how we leverage creative arts and the associated tools.
- Work directly with the Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor to shape Creative ministry vision and strategy.
- Collaborate with all levels of staff to maintain alignment and advancement in representing the face of Lifesong Church at various levels of visibility and function.
- Directly lead, manage, and hold accountable all Creative departmental staff in carrying out established ministry vision and strategy.
- Ensure the effective building, training, and leading of required serve teams.
- Build and manage the Creative budget and ensure its proper stewardship.
- Track key performance indicators and conduct regular reviews to drive continuous improvement.
Qualifications & Skills
- An aptitude for creative design
- Experience in relevant design tools and production environments
- Proven experience identifying and developing leaders as well as building and leading teams
- Ability to think strategically and creatively
- Self motivated and able to work independently
- Strong project management skills
- Strong oral and written communication skills
- Bachelor’s degree preferred
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Role Title: Leadership Academy Coordinator
The Leadership Academy Coordinator will be responsible for developing, rolling out, and facilitating the Lifesong Leadership Academy (LLA) for the purpose of training and equipping future ministry leaders to further the mission of helping people Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope.
Reports To
Executive Pastor
- Develop the strategy and supporting curriculum for the LLA to equip prospective ministry leaders in fundamental theology and practical leadership skills and values.
- Oversee the rollout of the LLA, including driving enrollment efforts to fill the available seats.
- Facilitate the LLA program, including applicable sessions and corresponding developmental elements.
- Work directly with the Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor to shape and regularly assess and improve the LLA strategy and structure.
Qualifications & Skills
- Proven experience developing leaders of varied backgrounds and giftings
- Ability to think strategically and creatively
- Self motivated and able to work independently
- Strong written and oral communication skills
- Strong project management skills
- Bachelor’s degree or higher preferred
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Role Title: Software Systems Coordinator
The Software Systems Coordinator will be responsible for overseeing the implementation, training, utilization, and management of the software systems that support Lifesong’s efforts to help people come to Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope.
Reports To
Operations Director
- Implement and manage Lifesong’s software tools, including ensuring appropriate integration and training for staff and serve team members.
- Maintain Lifesong’s people database, keeping accurate records and equipping staff and serve team members to support this as applicable.
Conduct data analytics and run reporting as necessary to support various areas of ministry and strategic decision-making. - Support Lifesong events and activities by facilitating or assisting with the creation and management of event/activity registration pages and processes.
- Facilitate group text messaging to the Lifesong Church community as needed by specific areas of ministry or the church as a whole.
Qualifications & Skills
- Strong analytical and data management skills
- Proficiency and high comfort level managing software tools from Google Workspace, to Project Management software to Church management software
- Comfort with discovering and self-leading the learning of tools
- Ability to think strategically and creatively
- Self motivated and able to work independently
- Ability to think and work well cross-functionally
- Strong project management skills
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Role Title: Videographer
The Videographer will be responsible for the capture and production of all video content to be leveraged across a wide spectrum of mediums to communicate, inspire, and engage people in and through Lifesong Church for the purpose of helping them Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope.
Reports To
Media Coordinator
- Facilitate the capture, production, and delivery of all video assets required to support social media, communications, promotional initiatives, services, and events.
- Ensure video assets are properly tagged, archived, and stored.
- Help build, train, and lead the media capture team for the purpose of obtaining photography and video assets from services, ministry activities, and events for use in social media, communications, promotional material, and other documentation.
- Build, lead, and/or interface with a team of video serve team members to support the capture and production of video assets.
- Be a student of video, staying up to date on current trends and growing in expertise within the field.
Qualifications & Skills
- High proficiency with video equipment and production software – Premier, Resolve, Final Cut, After Effects, etc.
- Desire to do collaborative work with creative individuals
- Strong self and team management skills
- Strong project management skills
- Detail and process-oriented
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The Creative Director will be responsible for leading Lifesong Church’s creative design and communication efforts in order to effectively foster the engagement of those who are far from God and help those we have the privilege of serving progress in their journey to Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope. Read the full job description.
The Leadership Academy Coordinator will be responsible for developing, rolling out, and facilitating the Lifesong Leadership Academy (LLA) for the purpose of training and equipping future ministry leaders to further the mission of helping people Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope. Read the full job description.
The Software Systems Coordinator will be responsible for overseeing the implementation, training, utilization, and management of the software systems that support Lifesong’s efforts to help people come to Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope. Read the full job description.
The Videographer will be responsible for the capture and production of all video content to be leveraged across a wide spectrum of mediums to communicate, inspire, and engage people in and through Lifesong Church for the purpose of helping them Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope. Read the full job description.
The Music Director will be responsible for supporting the leadership and development of Lifesong’s youth and young adult worship teams to foster engaging and anointed worship experiences that help the students and young adults we serve connect with God and know Him more fully. Read the full job description.
The Production Director will be responsible for overseeing Lifesong’s production efforts (inclusive of audio, presentation, lighting, and video) to foster creative, relevant, and engaging service and event environments for the purpose of helping people come to Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope. Read the full job description.
Key Benefits
Health & Dental Insurance + Retirement Plan + Short & Long Term Disability + Life Insurance + Generous PTO Policy