Small Groups

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Don’t Do Life Alone

We can’t emphasize enough that NOBODY should do life alone. God created us and designed us to be in community, and we believe that it is essential for you to find yours. Whether you’re looking to grow deeper in your faith, wondering how to better steward your finances, walking through a difficult season, or just looking to connect with people in your same season of life, we’ve got a group for you!

woman laughing with white shirt that says small group leader

Small Group Lanes

Spiritual Formation

If you are wanting to continue to learn more about God, and grow in your walk with Him, then this lane is for you. This lane includes groups that walk through a book study, review the Sunday message, go through the Rooted curriculum, or even pick a book of the Bible to unpack and study.


These groups will walk you through Godly, biblical principles around your finances. We’ll help you understand how to budget, how to live in margin, and how you can best honor God with your resources.

Care & Recovery

Life is not always easy, and sometimes we walk through situations that leave us hurting. Whether walking through a divorce, loss of a loved one, or even struggling through some sort of addiction, these groups will help you heal and point your eyes back to Jesus.

Life Stage

Maybe you are a young adult, a single parent, or maybe a mom looking to hang out with other moms. If so, we have great groups for people that are in your exact same stage of life, that are ready to connect and grow with you.