
Why We Give

Giving helps us continue moving forward in accomplishing our mission of reaching 2% of metro-Worcester to help them Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Deliver Hope. We give because it helps the local church progress in its God-given mission to further the Kingdom, and it honors the Lord as the source of everything that has been entrusted to our hands.

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10 NIV

Legacy Card

Legacy Builders

Legacy is our opportunity to expand and extend the Kingdom of God through sacrificial and extravagant generosity. This is giving above and beyond the tithe to help move the ministry forward for the next generation and to help make an impact locally, domestically, and globally. Legacy Builders help Lifesong expedite major efforts like improving our facility to better serve our community, exploring new campus locations, creating more parking, and so much more!

Honor the Lord

Ways We Give

Church Center App

The Church Center App can be found in the Apple or Google Store(s) and makes giving convenient, efficient, and secure. It also helps you stay up to speed on all things going on here at Lifesong Church.


You can text to give here at Lifesong as well. Text the number “84321” with the amount you’d like to give, and you’re all set! If it’s your 1st time doing so, there will be a short setup process to connect your giving, and, from there on out, it’s as easy as sending a text.

In Person

You’re always welcome to give in person at the church. We have envelopes in every seat-back pocket that you can fill out and drop in the tithes and offerings boxes in the back of the auditorium on your way out of service.

Crypto + More

Lifesong is prepared for more modern forms of giving like cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency and similar assets still help to fund the fulfillment of the mission of the church on all levels.

Crypto & Other Assets

Why donate cryptocurrency or other assets to Lifesong Church?

Lifesong’s mission is to help people – men, women, teens, kids, rich, poor, old, young – Know God, Live in Freedom, Discover Purpose and Deliver Hope. Donating an asset like cryptocurrency, stock, vehicles or real estate, facilitates both short term and long term funding of local, domestic and global missional fulfillment. We are able to accelerate gospel delivery, program execution, and partner advancement (child relief, human and sex trafficking, etc.). Please contact Lifesong at 508-921-4767 to discuss the best way to complete your generous donation.

Tax Benefits

Donating cryptocurrency or other assets are generally a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. This makes Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency donations, stock transfers, etc. some of the most tax efficient ways to support Lifesong. Speak with your accountant or tax professional for more insight about how donating any of these assets can lower your taxes.

Cryptocurrency Donation

Lifesong accepts the following cryptocurrencies through the donation tool on this page (links are to basic information about each cryptocurrency through our partner site The Giving Block).