
Voices from the Family

Homeward Bound | Voices from the Family Week 3 | Jason Gosselin

In this powerful exploration of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Jason Gosselin challenges us to examine our hearts and our response to God’s unconditional love. The story from Luke 15 isn’t just about a wayward son returning home; it’s a mirror reflecting our own struggles with forgiveness, comparison, and humility. We’re reminded that God desires all who are lost to return home, whether we’re the prodigal son squandering our inheritance or the elder brother harboring resentment.

Lay Down & Stretch | Voice from the family, Week 1 | Pastor Jon Youngblood

In this powerful message, Pastor Jon challenges us to consider the difference between spiritual experiences and true spiritual formation. Through the story of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2, we’re reminded that it’s not enough to simply chase after spiritual titles or momentary encounters with God. Instead, like Elisha, we must commit to the journey of growth and transformation.